A Valentine’s Day Song

So I’ve been working on a song for Valentine’s Day. This is a pretty big Valentine’s Day this year. It doesn’t often fall on a Saturday, plus with the whole Fifty Shades phenomenon going on should be lots of fun for couples.

It’s called “On Valentine’s Day You Don’t Get No Say”.

I think it’s pretty good, kind of a love song, country western kind of tune, you know, from the guy’s perspective.  This is just a draft. Let me know what you think!

I have to give some credit to Ross Murray at Drinking Tips for Teens for a little inspiration on this whole topic with his recent, very funny post about Valentine’s Day and Fifty Shades.

You can and should go read it here!

And if you liked this post, or even if you didn’t like this post, you might really like this Valentine’s post from a couple years ago: A Conversation Heart Conversation


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27 responses to “A Valentine’s Day Song

  1. The world’s first “vaj-j” lyric? could be!
    Great rippling chorus. I liked this. I am a muse.

  2. There I was, tappin’ my toes, bobbin’ my head, and then I heard it. It took a few seconds to process and then there it came again. “That IS what he said!” 🙂

  3. Just came across this on Twitter and LOVED IT! It’s an awesome song – You done good! 🙂 Must share. 🙂

  4. Just horrifying, but in a very funny way. Fortunately the artistic and satirical work that is springing from that godawful book/movie is 50 shades better than the original work!

  5. If you’re not careful with this song writing you may get a little Kanye in your face at the next Grammy awards.

  6. Pingback: A Green Study Valentine | The Green Study

  7. Very catchy. If my vajayjay could dance (THAT way), it would have been bobbin’ along.

    So: If I have no inclination to want to see that film, am I now officially no longer female? Oh, dear. I have often suspected as much. Don’t care about shopping, purses, latest styles…

    But for sure don’t want to be identified as male, either. No offense (snickering wildly)–but I really believe in getting all my p#ss INside the toilet versus maintaining some aspect of hormone-related pride over accepting the realities of elementary physics.

    Androgynous me DOES like this post. Gonna check out your others and will hopefully despise them, so that I won’t be tempted to Follow you. Can’t keep up with the blogs I already Follow.

  8. I enjoyed this! Just found it sat with a hot choc after getting home from seeing fifty shades at the cinema! 🙂

  9. I’ll have to take a listen later (on my phone right now) but I remember your old v day post it was great!

  10. Did I hear a little suspension in that last chord? Absolutely loved the song, and my man will most definitely NOT have to see Fiddy Shades. And yes, we had a play date last night. 😉

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